
Fearless Feminine Showit Template Launch

I’m so excited to share with you our brand new Showit Template, Fearless Feminine. Made with Coaches, Designers and Entrepreneurs in mind, Fearless Feminine is here to up-level your brand and website. buy the template       If you want your brand to be elegant yet bold then Fearless Feminine is for you. Pairing the […]


How to deal with unhappy clients like a boss!

White mug with the words 'be strong' against black and white scarf

If you have worked for yourself as a freelancer or run a business then you’ve probably encountered unhappy clients. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones who aren’t happy with your work, or try to get your service for cheaper, or find ways to complain. Unfortunately this just comes with business, especially if […]


5 Secrets to making your website copy sell!

Lady writing in notebook at desk with phone next to her.

Being a designer, I can obviously be biased when I say that design can be the be-all and end-all of business success. First impressions are 94% design-related (according to SWEOR statistics) YES, you need to use the right colours to captivate your audience’s attention. YES, you need your design to be consistent and hella gorgeous! […]


Lessons I learnt in my first year of being an entrepreneur

One Balloon - First Year Business Anniversary

We’re celebrating over here at Azalea because today marks our first business anniversary! That’s right, this time last year I was confidently walking out of the door of my corporate job feeling euphoric about working for myself and building this business! The saying really is true, time flies when you’re having fun. I can’t even […]


The catch to a free Wix domain and how to change host

I was with Wix for a year as I was building my business. I also know a lot of people who are drawn to a Wix website as it is easy to use and totally affordable for a startup. Plus there are always offers and it includes a free domain. Although the perks seem great, […]


Why I chose to move to Showit

Flatlay of white office desk with mac, keyboard, phone and accessories

When I first started my business a year ago, I decided to use Wix. For me, it was the most flexible (in terms of design) and simple to use. Let’s not mention the affordable price tag.  However I did come across a few issues using the platform which obviously explains the low pricing. So I […]


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