
5 ideas to finding balance between wellness and success as an entrepreneur

Ah, the good old idea of work-life balance. Can it really be achieved or is that just as far-fetched as the fairy tales of Disney movies? Especially when it comes to being an entrepreneur, that balance feels even less of a realistic goal. But listen up, friends! You are in control of your life and […]


How to deal with unhappy clients like a boss!

White mug with the words 'be strong' against black and white scarf

If you have worked for yourself as a freelancer or run a business then you’ve probably encountered unhappy clients. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones who aren’t happy with your work, or try to get your service for cheaper, or find ways to complain. Unfortunately this just comes with business, especially if […]


Lessons I learnt in my first year of being an entrepreneur

One Balloon - First Year Business Anniversary

We’re celebrating over here at Azalea because today marks our first business anniversary! That’s right, this time last year I was confidently walking out of the door of my corporate job feeling euphoric about working for myself and building this business! The saying really is true, time flies when you’re having fun. I can’t even […]


Dreaming of starting a business? Follow these 5 action steps

Flatlay of notebooks, a pen and girl boss name holder

Are you dreaming of quitting the corporate world and starting your own business? Yes, girl, yes! Here at Azalea we support other ambitious go-getters and are here cheering you on! However, we know how overwhelming it can be building a business startup. There are soooo many things to do and you don’t want a client […]


The biggest logo design mistake you can’t afford to make

Pink jumper laid out on jeans with a flower

I get it, branding can be a completely foreign language to most business owners. You know that you need a logo so you’ll either end up paying for a cheap one from a freelancing site or decide to design one yourself. If you are at the stage where hiring a brand strategist just isn’t in […]


Get more done & stop procrastinating with calendar blocking

Computer screen with Google Calendar

One of the biggest motivators for me, in my business is a busy calendar! I know this may stress and overwhelm some people, but hear me out.   There is nothing I love more than organisation, okay, well maybe there is but when it comes to business and projects, organisation is where I really shine. […]


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