
How to deal with unhappy clients like a boss!

White mug with the words 'be strong' against black and white scarf

If you have worked for yourself as a freelancer or run a business then you’ve probably encountered unhappy clients. You know the ones I’m talking about. The ones who aren’t happy with your work, or try to get your service for cheaper, or find ways to complain. Unfortunately this just comes with business, especially if […]


Lessons I learnt in my first year of being an entrepreneur

One Balloon - First Year Business Anniversary

We’re celebrating over here at Azalea because today marks our first business anniversary! That’s right, this time last year I was confidently walking out of the door of my corporate job feeling euphoric about working for myself and building this business! The saying really is true, time flies when you’re having fun. I can’t even […]


Serve your audience with an interactive quiz

Flatlay of stacked notebooks with glasses and pink roses surrounding it

How do you gain valuable information about your audience and easily provide them with content to suit their individual needs? An Interactive quiz. Using quizzes on your website is such an effective way to engage with your visitors and capture sale leads. And let’s face it, who can say no to a fun quiz? This […]


How to prevent & overcome mental burnout as a creative entrepreneur

Whether you are a creative entrepreneur or a side hustler, you are probably very much aware of the dreaded burnout.  As entrepreneurs we are ambitious, we love taking action and are determined for our dreams to come to fruition. That is what makes us entrepreneurs. However I fell like we have all got a bit […]


The #1 common mistake that most entrepreneurs make in their first year

Laptop on woman's lap and her holding a latte

Underpricing: a guide on how not to. Have you been struggling with growing your business and generating enough money to make a profit? Maybe you have been feeling a little bit lost and overwhelmed with all of the free advice, content and resources on ‘how to build your business’ that you’ve found yourself excessively collecting? […]


Increase your website traffic & Google ranking with these 5 easy SEO tips

Desk with pink flowers, pink notebook and Apple Mac

So you’ve started your business, the website has been launched and you are so excited for all of your new customers to see it. However, time goes by as does the tumbleweed, crickets are chirping in the background and you’re sat there feeling disheartened and discouraged wondering why you aren’t getting the website traffic and […]


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